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Speech Small Group Workshop
Intensive Small Groups for K - 6
What to expect:
Language group- Focusing on receptive and expressive language skills. Students will participate in varied themes while engaging in stories, crafts, recipes, and games.
Pragmatic language group- Focusing on social pragmatic language skills. Students will participate in fun activities, role-playing exercises, and interactive games focused around social communication.
AAC group- Your child will explore various communication modalities, practicing using AAC devices effectively, and build confidence in expressing themselves by participating in varied themes while engaging in stories, crafts, recipes, and games.
June Workshop Details
Our Speech Therapy Intensive Workshops consist of THREE 60-minute sessions, conveniently held in our clinic. Within a small group setting (3-4 students) we will focus on language, and social pragmatic skills.​
Workshops will be held at our outpatient clinic on the following dates:​
June 25-June 27
July 2, July 3, July 5
July 9-July 11
July 16-July 18
July 30-August 1
Cost: $175 for the first weekly (3-day) workshop. Every weekly (3-day) session after is $87.​​
No refunds for missed sessions.​Workshops should not be a replacement for skilled and individualized speech therapy services. At least two students must be enrolled for each workshop.
To register CALL or EMAIL
Meet Holly
Speech Language Pathologist
Workshops will be lead by Holly!
Holly is a highly skilled and very passionate therapist. She has been a speech therapist for 20-years. Holly has been a valuable team member, helping our Keystone families in need. We share her talents with Sycamore Community Schools. She also serves as their district's related service lead therapist. Holly provides optimum speech and language services to our Keystone families and school professionals.

Handwriting Workshop
It's back! Our OT will be hosting and running once again, our small group Handwriting Workshop. This is a great opportunity to learn valuable skills necessary for legible handwriting. Each child will walk away with a folder full of techniques for continued carryover into the new school year! The Handwriting Workshops will run in July and August. Email or call for more details!